Canon mx432 printer is one of the amazing printers from series. It is a wireless connection printer, gives amazing HD color prints.Very suitable for home as well as for office use. However, sometimes even after being the best printer, because of the error or some glitch they fail to give their best. As you know the Canon printer brand is known worldwide. Not just because of their printers but also for their services. And yes they provide the best service to their customers in solving printer errors.
If there is an error, the canon printer surely has its solution. Whatever the glitch or issue you are facing with your printer, you only need to go through the troubleshooting guide and solve it. Or when it doesn’t get solved you can try reaching Canon printer experts.
Causes And Solution For Canon Mx432 Printer Errors:
First you to find out the reasons behind your canon printer error, and try to solve all of the ones by one. Start by checking all the wires and cables connected with printer.Check its connection, ensure whether it is on or not and so on.
Sometimes when the computer is unable to make the connection with the printer, generally error occurs because of this. So if this is the problem then try to establish the connection between your printer and computer. If your printer is unable to make a connection with the router, then try another method to reconnect them.
Cause 1: If you haven’t removed the protective material or tape from any part of the Canon Mx432.
While opening and unpacking the new printer.It from a few parts, this happens more with the new users when they don’t know completely about the printer.
Next open the paper output cover and confirm that there is no tape left, if there is any tape then remove it. Also check your ink cartridge holder and ensure that no tape is attached there as well. Close your output cover and proceed further.
Case 2: Do not turn off the power button while printing.
Another thing that you need to make sure that is- never turn off the power button while the machine is still in the process of printing or sending/ receiving the fax. Even if the fax information is stored in but the action is not complete, still don’t disconnect the power cords. This could delete all the stored information, so first, complete the task and then switch it off.
After this you can turn off your Canion printer completely and solve the paper-jam issue.
Case 3: When paper remain in Paper Output Slot
At times while printing when printing sheet gets stuck or remains jammed in the Paper Output Slot, this can make your complete printing experience worst. This issue has one solution that is- simply remove the paper slowly. You need to pull it out gently so as it doesn’t tear. If the paper cannot be pulled out, then turn off the machine completely and turn it back on. Sometimes after turning it on again machine starts printing and your jammed paper will come out.
If you don’t the issue to come again, so first check the quality of the papers you are using. Papers with crinkles and folds get stuck easily inside, so avoid using such papers.
Other than the above-mentioned issue you may face others such as offline or error state, in such case you can take help from the experts of Canon printer. Canon printer professional technicians are well-trained and they about every glitch that may generate issues.