How to Fix canon pixma pro 100 flashing light error codes?

To Fix Canon Pixma Pro 100 Error Code 1000 isn’t such a puzzled condition for the customer, mainly by means of the help Canon Support group, who are continually prepared to assist at ordinance help number.
Now we are discuss about how to fix flashing light error codes:
Some of the Easy Way to Fix Canon Pixma Pro 100 flashing light error codes
Verify that Paper is Loaded Accurately
Firstly, you assure that your paper is stacked properly or not. If not, at that end stacking the paper in the right way.
Ensure the Following When You Load Paper
In the Rear Tray:
- When stack at least two sheets of paper, at that point you require to take after the beneath given way:-
- After that you guarantee that flip from side to side the paper before stacking.
- After that regulate the limits of the sheets before stacking.
- Make further than any uncertainty that the paper stacks does not exceed the paper stack restrain.
Despite the whole thing, may be legitimate bolstering of paper impractical at this most extreme bound dependent upon the sort of paper or usual conditions (also high or low warmth or humidity). In sort of condition, the patrons require to diminish the sheets of paper you stack at a chance to not as much as half of the paper stack confine.
- Each moment stack the paper in demonstration introduction, paying little mind to the printing introduction.
Confirm Paper That You Are Printing ON
At that point you need to assurance to check whether the paper you are imprinting on isn’t too thick or twisted.
Make beyond any doubt of the supplementary when you stack Hagakis or envelopes.
- If a (“hagaki” term allude to paper measure) is warped, it may not maintain suitably while the paper stack doesn’t exceed the paper stack limit.
- Load the size with a postal district section downward.
- When imprint ON envelopes, allude to the load Paper, and later than that make the envelopes before printing.
- Once you have prearranged the envelopes, at that point you have necessary to heap them in image introduction. In the occasion that the envelopes are located in sight introduction, at that point they won’t nurture suitably.
Confirm That the Media Type
At that point the clients need to affirm that the media write and the paper estimate settings compare to the stacked paper.
Confirm the Foreign Objects in the Rear Tray
In the subsequent stage, you require to pledge that there is no remote protest in the back plate or manual bolster plate.
- If the paper tears in the back plate or the manual encourage plate, at that point Paper Jams expel it.
- If there is any remote protest in the back plate or manual nourishes plate, at that point make certain to kill the printer, at that point unplug it from the power supply, and afterward evacuate the outside question.
Note: – Make beyond any doubt you require, if the nourish space cover is open; at that point close it slowly.
Confirm Disk Tray Completely Closed
Make sure that the circle plate control is close totally.
The paper does not boost legally if the plate direct is even rather open.
Clean the Paper Feed Roller
Lastly, you require to clean the paper sustain roller.
In the occasion that you need any help to catch up the above advance, at that point get in touch with to our Canon Printer Helpline Number to get on time help.